Fashion photography is photos in the studio or outdoors. We present clothes of selected fashion brands in accordance with their aesthetics and visual identification. Fashion photography and advertising photography are based on the assumption of showing the best product. Photos of clothes in the studio allow you to see different products under exactly the same lighting conditions and against a neutral background. Product photos, i.e. photos of clothes, photos of jewelry, photos of bags, photos of shoes, photos of accessories can also be taken in locations that reflect the nature of the product and introduce the viewer to the context in which the product is most often found. Fashion photography presents models in clothes in an interesting way. The fashion photographer, i.e. me, realizes his vision combined with the client’s vision. Works closely with the client responding to his needs to present the product in an eye-catching form. Fashion photography often presents the product on various types of beauty of models and models. It is characterized by photos taken in the studio with adequate lighting, photos taken outdoors in nature, photos in the city (street photos) or photos in the selected interior.